Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The Adventure Begins...........

For the last few weeks instead of looking for work and filling in endless application forms I have been engaging in a much more industrious occupation....

Procrastination [to delay or postpone an action]

We all do it - cleaning, reading celeb magazines, organising the recycling bin......the list is endless!

It doesn't matter what we engage in just as long as it does NOT include that important task we are meant to be working on!!

It was whilst engaging in the act of procrastination that I stumbled upon Twitter.

I have heard it said that:

A positive always follows a negative or that As one door closes another one opens

The last few months I have questioned these sayings. I could not see any positive and the doors seemed to be slamming in my face as I came closer and closer to my Redundancy Party!

Today I wonder if (whoever designed these quotes - maybe someone could inform me?) 'they' could be true?
My 'Positive' and 'Open door' has been Social Networking.

Twitter and other Social Networking sites have allowed me to make new networks and connect with interesting and informative people.

Through Twitter I have explored the concept of 'Blogging'! I am quite sure I do not know the finer details of the Blogging world but I am sure enjoying experimenting with it.

During the 'redundancy' process in the back of my mind the idea that I could maybe start writing again has kept jumping around giving me headache!
I have always written, but kept this passion on a back burner deep in the back of my mind, while I earned a 'real' living to support my family.
Something I would perhaps do when I retired without the responsibilty of a family to support!

Having found Twitter and following some really 'cool' and 'inspiring' people it has given me a renewed 'passion' for my writing. Blogger has given me a way to practise and improve my writing.

Could I support my family and make an income with my writing......who knows?

Is Social Networking/Twitter/Blogger my positive or my open door......

The Adventure continues................................

Comments/advice/constructive criticism welcome!

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